Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Here I "END", or rather start


Yes, I Know the immediate questions I would get after my first blog. Well, this is something I wasn't prepared to do...... something I haven't thought of doing even in the wildest of dreams, like the one I had last night. Then, what am I doing here?? Why am I here?? What is it that I gonna END.....

I "know" that I gonna struggle writing this blog, struggle 2 put up a decent show, struggle 2 get myself going... but I don't care.... as long as I "know" what I am up to....

I wanna end this adrenaline rush... wanna end this emotional outburst.... wanna end this mental imbalance... wanna end this chronic phobia.... wanna end this acute pain...

I searched for myself in everything that I have encountered till now... in my dad's hug, in my mom's smile, my brother's care, my friends' love, in girl's eyes, in pain, in the fear of failure, in the joy of success, in distress, in elation, in isolation, amongst a crowd, during meditation, in a gita study class, in trust, in a heartbreak, in setbacks, in incompetency, in betrayal and the list goes on... but i wont find "it" n i wanna end this.

HERE I START after all this is "my space"



  1. Ana(b)log huh ? ;-)
    First thing that struck me was "Another Blog" but then realized what you meant. You know why ? Because change is inevitable. :P

  2. yea.. thnx raul.. n u know what... 2day's fortune in orkut : change is the law of life :P what a coincidence....
